
By DonnaWanna

View From The Rooftop Garden

Shame about the power lines cutting through the shot but the palm tree across the road was looking lovely and very blippable this afternoon! : )
In extras is an another shot of it with its neighbor a very nice Plane tree dressed  in its autumn colours! : )  Another shot of the sky in extras from earlier in the day with storm clouds brewing low in the background.  All in all a mixed bag sort of day!
I’ve spent most of it troubleshooting my internet connection with my internet provider and in the end it turns out that the NBN connection was not completed properly by the NBN sheeeesh!!!! 
It’s very frustrating!!  They are escalating the problem and hope to get the NBN looking into it first thing tomorrow!! Fingers and eyes are crossed at this moment and I’m hoping something good will happen!!!  

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