Life through the lens...

By ValC


How nice to start the day with sunshine.
After breakfast had a walk over to the pond.
The gosling are growing up. The fluffy down is being replaced by proper feathers.
We sat in the sun for a while watching their antics. Lots if chasing one another and diving under the water.

On the way I noticed quite a lot of cotton grass, in amongst the irises, on the marshy part of the moor. Not seen this for quite a few years. It must enjoy all the wet weather we have had this year. See extra.

Our eldest son and family have just called in to wish MrC a Happy Father’s Day.
A very good card, and some beer and wine to enjoy later.
They have just got back from Twickenham where unfortunately Yorkshire Rugby Union team lost 30 - 31 to Kent in the Bill Beaumont tournament. They were there to support our youngest granddaughter’s boyfriend who was playing for Yorkshire. Still they all have had a great time and even managed to see the Flypast before the match.

A bit breezy now but the sun is shining!

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