Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Ramblings of a Grumpy Old Man

Dull again today, with a hint of rain in the air. I haven't been out litter-picking for a while so thought I should have a go today. I decided to leave it until the afternoon, so spent some time this morning on pictures and travel write-ups. 
After lunch I set off with my litter-picker and hi-vis vest - my first stop was McCaig's Tower. I think I've been unconsciously avoiding it ever since the council guys wrecked it by taking out many good shrubs and hacking down the rest! Even worse today! Instead of hoeing the weeds from the junction of path and lawn they've weedkilled along all the paths, killing off the grass to 12" back from the edge. All the beds which have been left empty and which grew weeds have been weedkilled too - why don't they employ a gardener who knows what he or she's doing? They told me they can't afford it, but they still employ a painter to do the gardening!
At the far end of my patch I passed the Rockfield Centre, formerly the Rockfield School. I don’t usually litter-pick in there as it’s not council land, but went in to have a look anyway. There used to be a long grassy bank below the building and one spring a couple of years ago I was asked by a lady on the Rockfield committee how it could best be managed for wild flowers. I suggested that it be left uncut until the end of summer, then cut and the grass lifted. Then a few weeks later a volunteer came in with his strimmer and cut it all down, flowers and all! End of story!
There’s now been a change of plan. The bank is to become a seating area for performances of some sort in the car park, so bang goes another little green space! My Blip today. I promise to be more cheerful tomorrow!
Quote of the Day: ‘Wildflower corners are easy to maintain, but once gone they are hard to rebuild.' - Aldo Leopold.

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