
By TheOttawacker

A bit of breathing space

 With the translation part of the job one, I now just have to wait for the proofer to send back her comments, integrate them, and then submit. Big job done, time to relax, I mean, move on to the next one.
However, despite having been woken up by a fire alarm’s plaintive reminder that its battery needed changing at 2.45 and not having been able to return to sleep, I did manage to do some of the chores that have been building up around me. Made a couple of phone calls, met up with a friend to hand over the empty bottles he collects for an animal rescue charity, etc. etc. – the sort of thing I always mean to do, but never do.
And all the while I managed to put off the start of the new job, which I have absolutely no desire to do… but obviously need to for financial reasons.
Got the mandatory storm warning for Ottawacker Jr.’s game tonight. As per usual, they are panicking about the possibility of  tornado. Ottawacker Jr. is not the least worried, as he thinks he is going back in goal tonight, so absolutely nothing can go wrong.
Post-game at the Hornet’s Nest where Ottawacker Jr. ended up going in goal for the whole game. The team still lost 2-0, but neither goal was really preventable. He wasn’t too disheartened. The much-vaunted tornado/severe storm turned out to be a light shower. The real storm came around 11pm and was spectacular.

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