Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


We had a great service at Church this morning, with some good worship songs, a testimony from our lovely friend, Louise, who is getting baptised next week and a great sermon.

For those of you not familiar with Baptist ways, we don’t have baby/child baptism or christening as it is known in the Anglican Church, but a Dedication Service when the baby/child is young and then when they are old enough and make their own profession of faith, we hope that they will want to be baptised.  This is done by full immersion and is always a very special occasion. 

Louise has come to faith in the last few years, after some very traumatic times in her life.  She told us this morning that about four years ago she prayed that if God was there, He would be with her and she said that from that day on, she never felt alone.  It was wonderful to hear her speaking and telling us that she used to live in Gorse Hill so rode her bike past the Church on many occasions, but now she felt that she had “come home”, which is great to hear.  Since coming to the Church, she has become a valuable member of the Community Fridge and enjoys chatting to people and telling them about her faith.  

I wouldn’t normally go shopping on a Sunday, but as Louise lives out of town, this was the only day we could go together, so after Church we went over to the Orbital Retail Park to see if she could find something to wear next week, but sadly nothing “hit the spot” so Louise says she will go through her wardrobe at home.  The photographs in my collage show Louise giving her testimony this morning and then when we went for a coffee after we had been round one or two shops, she enjoyed a hot chocolate.  Unfortunately, I didn’t get a shot of her eating the marshmallows! ;-) 

On our way back to the car, we saw this lovely little Dachshund, and I asked the young couple of I could take some photographs, as I knew that my daughter-in-law would love to see it.  They told us that the dog’s name was Milo and it was only 6 months old.  They had been married for 3 months, and got it just after they were married.  We stood and chatted with them for a while and Louise told them about her dog named Chops.  I told them that I hoped they had a long and happy marriage, and of course, had some hearts in my pocket so gave them both one to bless them!

We are off to Church again this evening but I will be trying to get round to commenting very soon.  

Hope you have all had a good weekend - the weather has been great and the sun seems to have arrived at last!  Have a great week and remember, BE KIND!  M xx 

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