Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

A Little Miracle

It was a strange day as I found myself on my own at home which hasn’t happened in a long while. Poppy was working, D and Alf are obviously still in France and even my parents are away; they flew to Portugal this morning.
I did a run on the treadmill and walked Dotty before breakfast. I did some deadheading and spraying of the roses, a little bit of weeding and swept the path. Managed to get some sheets dry on the line even though it started raining immediately after I’d pegged them out. This afternoon was sunnier and warmer than it has been in ages.
My photo is of a cutting my mum did for me of a rare David Austin rose called ‘Munstead Wood'. She gave me very specific instructions to look after it as they are going for £200 on eBay. Anyway, Dotty decided she liked the look of it and chewed it into tiny pieces. Somehow I managed to salvage the remaining piece and it’s now sprouting some new shoots! I’m so happy to see it come back to life!

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