This is the day

By wrencottage

Bluebells Galore

I was too busy to take many photos today, so this is a hurried shot of the photo notelet order I made yesterday.

After watching our church service online this morning we prepared lunch for our middle son and his family. When we all sat down, the dining table was completely covered with dishes of chicken, sausages, roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, cabbage, carrots and a bucketful of gravy (middle son’s all-time favourite). 

The afternoon was spent on various activities, and both our four year old and six year old granddaughters had one-to-one time with Granny in her craft room. Both girls have decided that it’s the best craft room ever. It’s lovely that they’re now old enough to enjoy being in there and having a play with all the exciting craft items that Granny has collected over the years.

It’s now nearly 8.00 pm and the family have gone home. Grandpa is doing sterling work in the kitchen re-filling the dishwasher that he’s just emptied, after which he’s going to wash up the remaining saucepans and roasting trays that won’t fit in the dishwasher.

Granny is in said craft room, where she’s been ordered to go by Smithers so she can write up her blip ("our blip" according to Smithers) and her Day One journal on her computer. The floor and all the work surfaces are covered in embossing powder, punched out card, ink pads, ribbons and the general detritus which accumulates after a long crafting session. That will once again have to wait until Granny has had a night’s sleep.

The fridge, sad to say, is pretty bare. Most of the lunch left overs found their way back to our middle son’s house, as we knew they would. Now all we have to do is work out what we’re going to eat tomorrow …

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