
By Farmerboab

Books, Beer and Toblerone......

Another day of heavy showers. When will it ever stop. Going round all the cattle today I'm starting to wonder where to shift them to next. The grass growth isn't keeping up with what they are eating. Looks like I might need to put some fertiliser on their fields. If the weather would warm up a bit it would help.
A morning spent mucking out and bedding the shed with the bulling heifers in. Once they have had their second BVD vaccine they will be getting kicked out to a field.
Called in to see my silage contractor this afternoon. Sat putting the world to rights over a coffee ,looking at the rain out the kitchen window. The plan is to try and mow next weekend and lift on the Monday. If the weather plays ball. So will need to have a blitz on the silage pit this week.
Went down the road tonight to check the fences as hoping to put some heifers there this week. Found a big hawthorn tree blown over the fence plus 3 smaller ones. Started to cut it up, but will need to go back with the loader tractor and try and support it before I can cut the main trunk. Then the saw ran out of petrol. So game over for tonight..
The joys.
Seemingly today is father's Day. This was my haul of goodies from the kids. The books were from a charity shop as were the 2 cards.
And the cards were both things I have been called in the past ,no idea why ......

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