
By Wanderers13

Whitby, Yorkshire

We camped near the town and this morning headed for Whitby taking a walk along the front over looking the beach, and then a meander down to the pavilion. The beach looked beautiful in the hot sunshine with coloured beach huts, a game of cricket, a group who looked as though they were about to learn surfing and the life guards keeping an eye on it all. We thought a blip of the Abbey would be interesting, to glimpse through some of the arches and to see part of the inner structure behind the front. What a view those monks would have experienced.

The weather is amazing and fortunately good wifi from the van's system this afternoon. We continued to drive along the coast but the great weather means everywhere is too busy. We are now in the 'Yorkshire Wolds', in a pub car park, unfortunately the pub is closed today. (J registered with BritStops, a group of small businesses with spare parking who offer overnight parking for motorhomes, we don't pay but normally we would buy a product from the owner, no facilities are provided, it's just about a place to camp overnight). The car park is very pretty with a variety of roses growing along the wall into the beer garden.

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