Village lady

Dullish again today but pleasant and the walk involved going high above a canyon to the highest inhabited village in Bosnia.
Until 2 years ago it was inhabited all year round but the population was elderly and the last 2 winters harsh so they did leave for a few months. More people live there in the summer months and traditional farming still happens. It has a long dirt road to it now, but that is recent, so we went the old way.
It is the only traditional style village left in the area as all the rest were destroyed by the Serb army in the war and then rebuilt in a more modern style.
It has a spectacular setting in a limestone valley about 400m (I think above the canyon floor) but the kids were still running around.
Lunch was cooked by this wonderful elderly lady and her daughter and consisted of Bosnian pie (cheese or potato wrapped in filo pastry and rolled into spirals before baking, plus yogurt to drink and herb tea or coffee.
Then they brought out the crafts that help out their income and we duly purchased (see pic in link).
Back was a slow ride via the road but there was still time to see a bit more of Sarajevo before supper in a café well used by locals

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