
By Marionb


Did you say COMMON?  Yes, we're grackles, but we're hardly common

Take a peek at these fabulous iridescent colours..  Do they look "common" to you? I have no idea who labeled us  "Common Grackles" in those bird books, but he might like to make use of a dictionary and come up with something more flattering..and by the way.. "Common" as compared to what? Is there a "Special Grackle" in that book? Maybe an "Extraordinary Grackle"? Or even a  "Rare Grackle"? Methinks not....

OK, some of us apparently have notable tails that warrant a special designation ie: Great tailed or Boat-tailed..Geez..give me a break!  Since when should we be judged by the size or shape of our tails? Our tails are just fine, thank-you-very-much. Go ahead, call us greedy or a nuisance or a bully,  but not call us "common"...

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