Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Say Cheese(cake)


Gosh, I am so glad there was plenty to do in the office today to keep my mind off the horrible movie G had watched and my sleepless night! It was G's last day in school before her Eid break, and after that, there are just two more weeks of school. YAY!

We went out in the evening; I wanted to listen to the Yamaha soundbar again as well as the Sonos - which we didn't get to hear last Saturday. But first, we had to eat. Galeries Lafayette has a restaurant on their top floor, so we ate there. The food was delicious, as was the cheesecake we had for dessert. We then wandered around some of their specialist food areas (see my extra of the cheese section) before we walked to Yamaha. There was so much on our plates, we brought half of our meals home.

We listened to a Sony soundbar on the way to the Yamaha store. I enjoyed my second demo and chat with the salesman. (He is the person who informed me of the workshop that will repair all my non-working gadgets.) We were there so long, we had to skip the Sonos and went to M&S for some milk. As it happened, the oat milk bottle that G bought fell out of my bag and exploded on the floor. ARGH.

Thankfully, it didn't get on any of the clothes which were hanging on the rack, but it sure made a mess. I stood close to ensure no one got milk on their shoes while G went to look for help. Before we left, their manager insisted on replacing the bottle that spilt! They didn't have another bottle of oat milk, so G got another 2-pint bottle of semi-skimmed! A kind gesture that will attract customer loyalty for sure.

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