Moments in a minor key

By Dcred

Tube Shaped Comfort

Every generation has its burdens to bear and the boomer generation was no exception. 
One particular issue, as there were no alternatives then, was having to use IZAL Medicated Toilet Tissue. The sheets were rough on one side and a shiny, waterproof disinfectant on the other, and, which being non-absorbent, made the product not fit for purpose as the options were either soreness or smearing. 
The product was unleashed on the general public in 1922 after being routinely used in hospitals, schools and public conveniences (remember them!) prior to that. It had a slight odour of disinfectant, this being its big selling point as the manufacturers claimed to have eradicated all manner of diseases through its usage.  
Although IZAL was hateful to use as lavatory paper, particularly in an outside loo in the winter, it did have some unintended benefits. It was pretty good to use as tracing paper, and it also doubled as a musical instrument when used with a comb and blown through the mouth. 

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