
By Pinkhairedlady

My grandmother’s pearls

I was lucky to inherit the pearls my grandmother on my dad’s side wore evening day. She was an elegant lady and always looked very put together. They are a treasure I’d be loathe to lose. I added the first grown up watch I was given as it was a gift from my dad before I left home for university. My watches these days are much more flashy with bigger faces but this one is very special to me.

Today was a day of cleaning. We have a guest on Saturday and Sunday and when he leaves we gave our friends Stuart and Linda coming to stay on Monday for 2 nights, so it merited a deep clean.

I got the inside of the caravan cleaned and ready to go back into storage before washing all the downstairs windows. I moved into the upstairs hallway and all doors and skirtings are now sparking or at least much cheaper than they were!

Two more loads of washing done and dried outside. Some more items sold, packaged and sent away.

Mac and cheese for dinner. Yum.

I’ll aim to post the MonoMonday results by Friday at the latest. Looking forward to seeing your treasures.

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