
By suehutton

Forest Bathing

The tramper was waiting for me when we got to the Outwoods this afternoon. I ventured down the left hand side trail which leads to the charcoal burner now sadly overgrown with ferns and brambles. The woodland management team must groan when they have to clear all the undergrowth for a woodland exhibition.

This year, the exhibition will be on the top of Beacon Hill again and will focus on the world beneath our feet, of fungi and mycelia on which the biosphere depends. That will be in August.

The woodland was very quiet and felt damp, not surprising after all the rain. It was also very dark, I was reminded of that Japanese notion, Forest Bathing. I did feel that I was being immersed.

After we'd had our coffee at Olivia's, Len said he wanted to get some petrol which involved driving to Morrisons, a stone's throw from another of our favourite nature haunts, Dishley Pool. The little scooter was in the boot and Len had brought the key, so we went to take a look. It was the first time I had been there since being hospitalised last year. January 24th 2023 according to my Flickr feed.

The scooter managed the northern path but getting to it could be difficult as it involved driving over gravel. The scooter does not like gravel. It was wonderful to be able to gaze out over the water. See extra.

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