
By JackyMT

Misty Emergency Blip

Been busy today, Shopping, then Tanzy to vet,  she says she is happy for her to stay on the ramedal pain killers but wanted a blood test for her kidney function, that cost with consultation fees £190. we said we wanted a prescription as we can get them far cheaper on the internet so she said she would do one for us for 6 months and give us the test results tomorrow. That will be £19 for a bit of paper, You can't wonder that some folk have to give their pets up because they can't afford the vet fees. It's the conglomerates that own the vets that are making the money for their shareholders. Grrr it makes me so mad. 

Then my appointment with the podiatrist, went OK she reckoned its a corn thats gone wrong, she did a big test all over my feet, then proceeded to cut his thing away which was extremely painful, she ended up making it bleed, so now it has a big dressing on it, it has to stay dry so I haven't to get a bath or shower for 2 weeks, well mustn't get my foot wet, so it will be a strip wash at the sink. I have another appointment next Tuesday to see how it's going with a different person, hope he doesn't mind smelly feet. She suggested I see a private podiatrist as they don't do general foot management any more. Not sure this dressing is going to stay on for long.

Thats my jolly day


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