Penguin Droppings

By gen2

Abandoned for 15 Years

This was once the Belvedere Hotel in West Wemyss, Fife.

Paint is peeling, wood is rotting and iron is rusting.  Nature is reclaiming lost territory.

My processing treatment is an attempt to convey that.  Without that processing, it actually looks in fair shape, but getting closer you realise that those aren't panes of glass, but sturdy boards of wood, painted to look like real windows.  Get closer still, and you see the peeling paint, the rust and the weeds.

I have added a couple of more colourful views of it in the 'extras'.

I am posting this a little earlier than recently as I want to be in bed by midnight to get my regulation 8 hours..  Last night, it was 1am before I finished processing my blip and then I was woken up at 3:20am by two fire engines outside.  Fortunately, they left half an hour later and I was able to try and get to sleep once more..  Alarm clock then woke me at 8am.

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