
By McCaviti


Today was a momentous one for our family. Besides being our 28th wedding anniversary and 36 years since the day we met, it’s the day our lovely firstborn flies the nest, off to study/travel in the UK.

i’ve suddenly got hooked by genealogy int the last week, matching old photos to records I’ve found on Ancestry, focusing on my father’s British forbears (his family emigrated to Australia when he was 15 as 10 pound poms), since my mother has exhaustively researched her side of the family.

So, in the spirit of those lovely old photos, my son getting ready to leave our apartment, not that he’ll be going anywhere near Newcastle or Oldham.

Having discovered coincidentally, the MM theme is something I treasure - here they are - family memories!

* Bliplar was his blip name oodles of years ago when he blipped for a brief spell as a child

** Would have loved to include as extra one of those old family photos but here I am stuck in Sydney far from my external hard drive

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