
By Martigan

But it's NOT May.

        I was en route to a minor necessary shop[ and. I spotted this just reversing down a "Ginnel" on the Estate. 
        I drew level and stopped.  I must have got the shot off before he saw me because he grinned Broadly & waved,  Should have got that shot?
        I mention May because, on the Mayday frivolities, which my. knees ref use to attend, there seems to be a Tractor event i.n that I/we generally saw/see at least a couple of Tractors passing the house.
      That said , the only one I have tagged "findable" happens to be November last year .
       I wonder if they have regular Rallies I ken not of? 

       Note to self.
Four Forks ache, learn to tag better !!!!!        !!

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