A time for everything

By turnx3

“One small step for man…

…. one giant leap for mankind.”
With the temperature today heading up to 94F (34C), I was thinking in terms of either staying home in the air conditioning or visiting somewhere indoors that was air conditioned. One place we’ve kept talking about going to, but have never got round to, is the Armstrong Air and Space museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio, about a 90 minute drive north from us, and the birthplace of Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon. The museum chronicles Neil Armstrong’s Air and space achievements, as well as other Ohio citizens and companies that played a role. The museum houses the original Gemini 8 spacecraft piloted by Armstrong to perform the world’s first space docking, two of Armstrongs space suits, multiple items from the Apollo Program missions, a moon rock brought back from the Apollo 11 mission amongst other things. The museum has several main galleries that outline space flight history from the early beginnings of the Space race with Russia to the end of the Space Shuttle era.
We took a detour on our way back, and visited Grand Lake St. Mary’s, and then stopped for dinner at Northstar Cafe at Liberty Center.

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