
By rainie


Well, it’s been quite a day, apart from the dramatic change in weather (icy wind and some rain).
We were awake at silly o’clock, like having a cup of tea at 5.30!  Decided to get up around 6.30 (which is early for us in the winter).  Twenty minutes later the power went off, came on, went off, came on, went off and stayed off. Much of the rural areas south of Timaru were out. Because we are reliant on power for pumping water to our house we lost water immediately.  Candles and fire lit, so we were warm.
Doug had a physio appointment at Waimate (30minutes drive) at 9.30am (he’s not flash at all)….without power our garage door doesn’t open at the push of a button.  Can be done manually, which I did but it nearly killed me.
When we got home around 11ish the power was on, (I got a text to say it would be back on around 11). The garage door wouldn’t open, so once inside up the ladder to turn it off, hoping it would reset when turned on again…it did fortunately. I was knackered.
A quick trip to Timaru after lunch then I’ve been doing the comments required for the judging.  Slow progress.
My blip is a derelict building in Waimate….has been smart in its day, take a look at my extra, over the road, same vintage and currently being restored beautifully. 
Apparently, the person who owns the run down one won’t sell to the guy who has bought and restored the arcade shown in extra.

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