My day

By 59

Tiny Tuesday. — A tiny dog

…or two. I immediately thought of my little dog, given to me by a friend because I didn’t have a dog at the time. Then 2 days ago I came across this even tinier little Scottie dog that was in with some old stuff of my mothers. It had to be included too. 

Thanks for hosting Radish and SK. 

Talking of big dogs, there is a very unfriendly dog at the end of my street. It jumps out of its yard and came racing up to us yesterday growling madly. I have phoned the council to let them know and I’m too scared to walk that way at the moment. It has also baled up another neighbour. The council can’t do anything unless I phone when the dog is out. Which I don’t know because I’m too scared to go there. Unfair. I love dogs generally but they don’t all love me. 

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