Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Reminders of WW II

Cycling around in the neighbourhood of Marl I discovered bunkers like these and elsewhere larger ones too, what are remains of WW II and now regarded as monuments from history.
In Marl is and was then during WW II a large Chemical Plant, then led by IG Farben; internet has this info about then = "Chemiepark Marl
Originally named Chemische Werke Hüls, the complex was built in 1938 by a consortium led by IG Farben to produce synthetic rubber and other war materials for the Third Reich. By 1942 over 5000 workers' families had relocated into new housing which transformed Marl into a company town."
And because of this plant, Marl and its direct environment were endangered of Allied bombing, and thus bunkers like these were made for the inhabitants of then. Several bunkers survived the years of reconstruction after that war and now are kept as monument of that era. Finding such bunkers in residents streets is a totally new to me.

Some info on Marl Chemical Park here

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