
By Veronica


An extremely in-your-face lily. Last summer, as part of its sprucing up the village operation, the mairie of Fabrezan completely remodelled the garden with the war memorial in it. They then didn't plant any flowers, which was entirely reasonable since watering was forbidden. Now the restrictions are lifted, they are making up for it -- goodness knows how much they've spent on plants. The flowers are sparse at the moment but very colourful.

I decided to make lunch from leftovers, based on half a jar of curry paste languishing in the fridge, and was surprised at how well it turned out. Two thirds of a chicken breast (Mystère had the rest, specially poached for him), an onion, a couple of potatoes that have spent too long in the vegetable rack, a large courgette, half an extremely large tomato, and a ladleful of leftover Picard red lentils with vegetables and coconut milk turned out to make a really good curry, with rice, yoghurt and mango chutney. There's some left for tomorrow too.

In the continuing battle to get picky eater Mystère to eat enough, this evening I offered him sardines in tomato sauce, as recommended by my sister. To my astonishment he has had three (admittedly small) helpings. I really wasn't expecting him to like them. It's good to have another option, though he will probably turn up his nose at them tomorrow. Meanwhile, I had pizza :)

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