
By Winsford

Mixed Views

I slept well and enjoyed chatting with RB13 over breakfast (which featured some very tasty lemon curd). 

We then headed into town to visit the Vermeer "Exhibition" at the National Gallery, except it wasn't actually an exhibition - rather the one which normally hangs there was complemented by another on loan from the National Gallery in London. I preferred the later (A Young Woman Standing at a Virginal) to the other Christ in the House of Martha and Mary).

We also looked at and chatted about other artworks and what we liked and didn't like about them. This of course included An Old Women Cooking Eggs by Velázquez - a  firm favourite.

We headed to Princes' Street where RB13 introduced me to the delights to Uniglo before we parted ways. I had a good look around but didn't buy anything and then headed to John Lewis, ditto - although I did enjoy a cup of coffee with a window seat looking down at Leith Walk. 

My bus home was quiet and I was able to sit top front about the driver, my favourite seat - although the view at time didn't leave a lot to be admired.

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