Capital adventures

By marchmont

Inner workings

I don't like Tuesdays, well this Tuesday.

The torrential rain during the night woke me up. I went back to sleep. 

Later I had a much needed swim and a good chat with D then fed D and B. The work is coming on apace next door. 

Came home and did some admin, including wishing my cousin happy birthday, a long call with C about the possibility of more work, emailing BB, ordering a new Foreman grill and then had call with M about Mum. That led to a call with BB, while I was trying to eat chicken salad. I was v annoyed about the shower discussion. 

All of that meant I logged on late to the work call, also due to the fact that there was so much toing and froing about the time yesterday I was confused. The meeting was ok, though my heart wasn't in it. 

In the middle of that the Labour canvasser came by and Mum phoned and when I phoned her back I thought I heard a clunk but she said she was ok. Phoned J to update her on the shower and the physio and the dental visit and BB phoned to tell me Mum was on floor. Despite what she told turned out that was the clunk.

I couldn't leave and no-one round about appeared to be in to cover the delivery so luckily #3 son could go down and check out the situation. All was well. I caught up with G about the stair climber.

Then after 4 the furniture arrived (the route the delivery van takes makes no sense) and that was that box ticked. A arrived just after 5 as I noticed I've had a leak in the front room, no doubt linked to the loose tiles A replaced when he did the new boiler flue. Phoned the roofer. 

Checked out #2 son's article from The (Malaysian) Star about the parade of Scottish fans in KL he helped organise and then confirmed I don't need to do the airport pick up on Friday morning.

A had to go to Screwfix to get the right size ballcock but that was all done by 6.30. Meanwhile, I'd sent out the agenda for next week so another box ticked. 

Then down to the Manor. All well but sorted out the shopping list and came back to do a Sainsbury's order. Much discussion of showers and baths. 

Home after 8 for food, some shared moaning with S on Whatsapp and an email about a not very good begging letter. I watched some Digging for Britain and then gave up and went to bed. 

I don't like Tuesdays, but at least the new ballcock appears to be working. 

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