
By Viewpoint

I'm running behind with Blipfoto again!

Saturday had been our bimonthly meeting of the RPS Contemporary Group. Three if us went together,  Adrian who  drove, Nick who joined us for the first time plus me .  We quickly were labelled the Penistone `lot'.

As well as our usual sharing session (I shared a presentation of photographs of my revisits to the same house in Venice over a period of ten years) we also talked about our next group `book project' - when it was decided the theme would be water.  Although I went along with the suggestion at the time (because I hadn't really thought it through), it feels a bit camera club in the choice of theme and it feels to me that we might get some very repetitive images shared.  Will it bring out the stereotypes?  When I took this photo in the market carpark in Penistone I was thinking of GG's `Typographies' project - which would be different, but I just don't see me gathering these kinds of images to create a panel. Different for me - yes, but really not me.  The other book themes we've done in the past have been `place' based and have left the photographer free to showcase the photographic genre they favour - resulting in a varied book that showcased a variety of approaches by our members.  Just what `Contemporary Photography' should do..  

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