
By Serap

Colour block

I totally forgot to take photos today - it was a pretty unremarkable day, to be fair… hot and kind of busy, cooked a curry, had to jump in the pool after, finished watching Ripley, which I enjoyed, Snowflake bit me… same old, same old!
When I looked at my photos the only photo I had taken was of a colour chart - this is for the drawers in the new downstairs bathroom. They have sprayed them 2 different colours already, both of which I’ve hated. I initially went for an olive green, which came out sort of khaki, and not nice at all. Then I chose “pastel Turkish blue”, which is on the drawers in the background… it came out too baby blue for me, not at all what I wanted. And now I have the fear… the guys doing the renovation must think I’m colour blind… maybe I am a little bit? I’m not very good at distinguishing colours I have to say. So anyway… can someone come and pick a colour from the 417 on the colour wheel for me please?

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