Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

A Rare Beauty

So with no apologies it's back to the macro today. Noar Hill nature reserve, managed by Hampshire Wildlife Trust, is renown for its orchids and butterflies. Both should be evident at this time of the year, so I headed over to check it out.

The reserve was brimming with orchids including the Pyramid and Fragrant orchids which I haven't seen (or at least recognised) this year.  Chatting to a dog walker (as one does) he also mentioned a small green orchid which is apparently quite rare, the Musk Orchid.  Not having a clue what to look for I couldn't find any likely candidates until I bumped into one of the rangers who kindly showed me some.  They are small and hard to see amongst the grass where they like to reside, but having seen them were quite plentiful.

Sadly, the butterflies were hiding!

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