
By LesleyAlsford

Through the door, Chauvigny

we had a leisurely day of travelling today and were so lucky with the weather. It was pouring in Limoges so we decided to just get going via a non-motorway route.  The rain soon stopped and after a bit of wandering the streets (it being a monday when much is closed ) we found a boulangerie in Bellac for breakfast. Later we were driving alongside the beautiful Vienne river and stopped at Chauvigny after spotting picnic tables by the river (see extra of our lunchtime view). We headed up to the old part of town and the castle, sadly closed today but the old village was interesting. I couldnt resist peering through this doorway!  I've noted it for a possible en-route stay in the future. 
In Le Mans we managed to find a little restaurant , La Ciboulette, that we had lunch at 7 years ago . We had remembered the lovely lunch but forgotten the name or exact location!  They were failry booked but managed to squeeze us in and again it was a great meal and excellent value at 26 euros for 3 courses. 
   Its always a tough call between travelling fast and having more time at your destination or  exploring more as you go but days like today make the travelling much more worthwhile. 

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