
By keepingtrack


Off for a day trip to Papay Westray today - by ferry, not the famed ‘shortest scheduled passenger flight in the world’ (that seemed a bit unnecessary). We took the bikes so first stop happened to be the airport, since we were passing, and stopped for a chat with the airport manager (probably one of this jobs that covers many things). Cycling on to the head of the island, a RSPB reserve and SSSI. Walking round that coast across the moorland there was plenty of bird life - including a close encounter with an arctic skua who dropped a package just missing my shoulder. But the message was clear - don’t linger round here!
But today the sun shone for a while - and we eventually had a bit of time just sitting and sunning. Very nice!’
On the way back down the island we stopped at Knap of Howar to see the Neolithic farmstead buildings perched over looking the sea. Similar to the buildings found at Skara Brae it was special to be able to wander round them with no one else around.
Back to Westray on the last boat and a lovely day out.

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