
By Hamp5on

*Saharan dust & rain incoming!*

Well the day started early with Nate's teacher/parent feedback. He's doing so well, she described him as a machine in maths (a shock to us all!) and as doing exceptionally well in Catalan (also a shock!)! Feeling very proud of how he's applying himself.
Juliette was in town early doors, so a quick coffee with her before going to see the ES guys. Some really really interesting conversation today.
This afternoon Nate and I created some personalised tote bags for his teachers. He enjoyed the spray painting. He's so sad school is nearly over for the summer - they finish this week. 
Chaplaincy tonight! As ever, stimulating discussion. Blipped is the view out of our window to the left -  unexpected dust and rain we got this late afternoon.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) An hilarious and generous gift. One of the women from the ES coffee had been away and brought a gift back for Danny - a gammon joint!!! He's delighted, it's not something you get easily here.
2) Hearing that our friend Riccardo is listening to Lectio 365 each night...the more meditative peace focused one. 
3) Good feedback for both kids - Nate's teacher meeting obviously. But Asha came home with a voucher for an ice-cream shop as she's one of the kids who's not had any points docked this year! It works a bit like the drivers license system here - you start of with maximum points and get them taken away as and when you behave/drive inappropriately. 

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