If you see a faded sign at the side of the road
The taxi day was always a highlight of the year when I was younger
The shop owners began decorating their stores the night before
Hundreds of taxis left Kelvin Grove about ....11 and drive the 30 miles to Troon packed full of under privileged and disabled children. The taxis would be bedecked in balloons and streamers and often diasguised
Taxi Hulk ... submarine ... TARDIS ... aeroplane, superman. It was amazing. I have no idea how the taxi drivers could see. When I say 'tank'. The whole taxi was underneath a massive cardboard box with a slot cut for the eyes
Entertainment would be laid on - one year THE. WOMBLES !!!
Then the taxi.drivers decamped to the pub (allegedly) while the kids were entertained on the beach (often in pissing rain)
At six o'clock the taxis would manoeuvre off the prom once the taxi drivers had been rescued from the pub ...and begin the journey back home. If I wasn't watching them.... I could hear them. Honking the horns over and over
The beach would be left devasted. Deflated balloons. Torn streamers. superman's cape... Half a tank .... Broken wheelchairs
It's not the same now.
Health and safety dictates that the drivers have to have clear vision. The kids are just pulled from schools in Glasgow. They are still piped into town, the shop keepers.all decorate and the schools empty to cheer the taxis in
I left work at 1645 tonight and when we arrived in town not one taxi left. Not one. No rubbish (which is probably a good thing). Shops were shut and all of the fuzzy hats had gone off the bollard
This bit makes my heart glad
There is still much love in this wee town.
Two ladies and a pack of volunteers knit.hats for every single bollard and fence post they put them.out the night before and then grab them all the evening as soon as the taxis have left
I liked the bollards with them on
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