
By Stella2

Potamos rural view

We took a taxi this morning to Potamos the largest village in the north situated in the mountains. It’s not really very large but does have a mix of commercial, domestic and shop buildings. A number of the buildings are derelict or not in use as are large numbers on the island. There was a large exodus of islanders after the second world war due to poverty. A large number migrated to Australia and in summer many return to visit remaining family members.

We slowly walked out of the centre where today’s blip was taken and then returned via the back streets. We passed several churches and had coffee in one of the coffee shops. We didn’t realise how trendy the inside was until we came to pay, see extra. After our coffee it was a short walk to Potamos bridge which was built in 1826 by the British.

We then walked back to the square and chose a taverna to have lunch in. It was by now very hot with little breeze so we were happy when our taxi arrived to take us back.

Another enjoyable evening meal in a different taverna.

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