
By flavia13


Well no he couldn't walk 1 mile but you get the drift!!!!

Got up to Oxenholme early this morning and could park easy enough, so even though I was there too early I managed to park so that's got to be a plus, especially when you're picking someone up with mobility issues.

Garron's train arrived on time and some of his luggage was carried off off by two very nice young train stewardesses.  Not that he has an awful lot, but a suitcase, briefcase and laptop is quite a lot when you're trying to manage your 4 prong walking stick as well.

We stopped off at Low Sizergh Barn for coffee and some Borrowdale Tea Bread before coming home.

After lunch we walked  on down to Kents Bank Station to stretch our legs.  I went onto the marshes, just part way due to the heat as it was now very warm indeed.  

Garron is looking over to Arnside Knott and admiring the view really but I did ask him to look a bit pensive for a collaboration project I have on with the EDPS Camera Club I belong to.   

The walk back was rather too warm for both of so we are now pleased to be at home as our lounge is in the shade in the afternoons and is just pleasantly cool, so enjoying it.

Well that's it from me for today.  Do take care and stay safe and I will see  you all tomorrow. 

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