
By Veronica


Blip mojo gone, weather horrible (grey and muggy), so due to popular demand (Booky) here are most of the books I acquired a few days ago (forgot to include Hanif Kureishi).

You may notice something different about the bottom one -- the writing on the spine is the other way up. That's because it was published in France. I didn't buy it -- I just happened to wander past the public "help yourself" bookbox when I was in Montlaur on Sunday, and spotted it.

I remember when I was small seeing a whole row of books by Mazo de la Roche on my parents' bookshelves. The name seemed so exotic, as did the word "Jalna" in the titles. Strangely, I can't recall ever feeling the desire to actually read them -- I think they must have gone to a charity shop when we moved from that house. Anyway, they were a Canadian family saga, written in English, and this is a French translation. It's number 2 in the series, published in 1960, whereas the others were published in the 1940s, when my mother was in her twenties. Finally my curiosity will be satisfied. But I might be tempted by Jonathan Franzen first!

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