This is the day

By wrencottage


A lovely day, both weather-wise and otherwise. 

I filled the bird bath with water from the water butt this morning, but there have been quite a few customers coming for a bathe today, so the level has dropped again. I took the photo this evening while standing at the start of the stepping stone path which leads round the back of the garden, looking back towards the house. I like this view because it gives a glimpse of the ring of lavender behind the bird bath, and the ox-eye daisies which are populating the wildflower area and spilling out all over the path as well. 

Our friend who is going through a tough patch with her mental health came round for a cup of tea again this afternoon, and it was lovely for us all to be able to sit outside in the sunshine. Thank goodness for our oak tree which gives plenty of dappled shade; all three of us were much happier sitting under the parasol on the patio out of the direct sun.

After she’d gone our middle son and his family arrived, and once more the garden rang out with the sound of little girls’ voices. Ice creams were eaten, Granny’s oaty biscuits were devoured, then a hot tea prepared by Grandpa was consumed, after which the girls went home happily clutching a bag each, containing some 50p coins to spend at their school fête tomorrow.

Summer has finally arrived.

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