
By BGCoffee

The Full Moon and Frangipane

Tonight was a full moon on the eve of the summer solstice.  We began the day with a coffee and then another coffee before enjoying an excellent espresso at Tom and Julia's house and a splendid brunch plus an even more interesting conversation with both and their lovely offspring, Eden.  The afternoon brought tea and plum frangipane in the garden of Geoff and Helene (Rainette) which was a real treat, apart from good friends we also had beautiful weather.  Early evening gave us a very missable and frankly awful one all draw between England and Denmark, but the evening improved with LV's arrival and a pleasant before bed conversation with mishkid and Sam before I ventured out to finally view the above photo when the moon eventually emerged from behind the trees.  And the extra is of Rainette's superb frangipane, of which there was nothing left after we departed!

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