Eco Dad +

By EcoDad

King of the castle

Eco daughter took this blip, she watched Juno jump onto the sofa and then jump on top of her cage. It is amazing how they grow.

I was up on the early shift, eco mum is not well. Took Juno to the allotment at 7.00am , we met a hedgehog, I have never seen one at the allotment before, sadly it was no where near my plot. Juno sat as I planted out a tub of carrots, hopefully they will grow ok.

Came home to a sleepy house, so cut the hedge by hand to reduce noise as Juno watched on on the front step.

Rest of day just chilling out with Eco daughter, Eco son disappears out no doubt he will check in sometime.

From Monday she will be allowed out on the street for walks.

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