Capital adventures

By marchmont

A fine day out

Overhanging exhaustion from yesterday meant I came to at 7.20 so no swim. But I got quite a lot done including the washing which was hung out on a day that promised no rain. Found a slight problem with my Shark, seems to be blawin' not sookin'. This and a manicure failure meant I left slightly later than planned, 10.45 not 10.15. 

Usual mixed drive down the A68, slow, slow, quick, quick, slow. Once over the border though the road was emptied and things speeded up. I got to my destination, Ponteland, around 1, 2 and a quarter hours for 95 miles. It's a pretty town, within earshot of Newcastle airport. 

It was great to catch up with the NZ Sims again, last seen in Ashburton in Feb 2020 just before COVID shut down NZ. We had a convivial lunch sat in the warm sun outside the Blackbird Inn which turned out to be a very historic place in the Borders history. Then back to the outside terrace of their hotel for coffee and to talk cars and watch the England fans arrive. 

I left just before 5 and took the coast road back, longer but faster and lovely views on this longest day. I was home just after 7. The tyre warning came on again so another job for tomorrow. 

Ate and then did a few emails with a French TV series on in the background. And of course tracked #2 son's journey as he makes his way east. 

Managed to stay awake till well after 11. 

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