Jazz hands
Better night, then up early to pack and tidy up before the furniture restorer delivered the restored bridge table. Looking a lot better!
Bright and warmer day and I enjoyed the walk down to the station (bumping into JC and then PM on the way!) and was soon in Glasgow. Spent the whole morning with JS, AB and then AS and we called LD at one point….all budget related tricky discussions.
Had some tasty chickpea curry in VG’s office whilst we caught up then went to see Sweet Charity. I hadn’t realised how many hit songs had come from this show, or that it had Fosse choreography, and it was performed and produced very well. Longer than I’d expected, but really enjoyed it.
From there I went straight up the road for a very good humoured SO Board meeting, followed by dinner at PL’s house for us all. Gorgeous house, and caterers had prepared a perfect supper of tiny canapés (including vodka marinated cherry tomatoes which was a new one on me!), then beef fillet with 2 different potato dishes, salads and roasted veg, almond cake, strawberries, meringues and cheeses. Vast quantities of champagne and other drinks for those who were on the sauce, and PL guiding us round all the artwork and explaining the stories behind them all. I loved the way he’d mixed together paintings and ceramics from his childhood with some very valuable pieces and ‘cheap bits from Habitat’ to reflect his personality. All looked great.
Later than I’d planned getting back to VG’s as I hadn’t realised the time (so light outside!), and we couldn’t resist chatting when I arrived, but then bed. Tomorrow’s going to be a bit challenging….
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