Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Last weeks flower ...

Is looking a little droopy don't you think.   It is on it's last legs and will go in the green bin shortly.  Thanks for hosting as always Anni.

Drumming today.  Another good work out.  I was on the duns.  It is like hitting your head, drawing circles on your tummy and doing a jig at the same time.  One hand was doing a rhythm on the bell, the other a different  rhythm with the drum stick on each of the duns (3 of them) and you had to step left and right.  To cap it off, there was some singing all at the same time.  I achieved all four together for about 2 minutes and that was my limit.   Drumming, belling and stepping I was getting the hang of but the singing was just the one thing that tipped me over.  Hey ho.  I have decided to buy a set of duns one of the drummers in the class is selling.   Don't worry, there will be a photo.

I picked up my boots newly soled and heeled at great expense (but understandably for what was done if you remember the soles were perishing).  The rest of the day I have been hard at it practising to be a sloth.  Tomorrow is going to be full on with therapy dog assessments.  Maggy has to be reassessed and I am helping out with the assessments as usual.  And here is the weekend and a happy Solstice to you all.

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