
By Bom

A Dragonfly

Sunny and warm today, so I had a look at the pond after lunch and got some photos of this broad bodied chaser around my pond and laying eggs (see Extra). Nice to get a dragonfly photo after not getting a photo on my dragonfly walk yesterday. On the extra of the dragon in flight, if you look closely you can see it has it's front legs tucked behind its head, and googling this it said that it has a narrow neck given it's big head and does this to protect against the G forces as it flies so fast and changes direction so suddenly. 

I had a catch up by phone with my sister P this morning, then sat out in the garden for a while. I've been watching the tennis this afternoon. I also rang John Lewis to query some things on my home insurance before renewing. They weren't able to answer my questions as that's for the underwriter, so I've renewed and raised a complaint at the same time. For the first time the quote showed how much each element cost and the no claims discount cover was really expensive, but I couldn't find out how much discount I'm protecting for the price I'm paying. 

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