Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Don't trespass on my talk

Up at ridiculous o'clock to head to London for Quality Live. I was speaking about empowering quality professionals to deliver on the ESG agenda. Exciting hey? Lol!

But before I was even able to get at the venue, there were loads of dramas. Just after Port Talbot station we came to a stop because the signal was red. Information eventually got through that there was a trespasser on the line and the police had to be called. I was watching it all through my window. The gentleman clearly had some issues, but was eventually persuading to get off the line and the police took him away. By this time we were 40 minutes late. By the time we got to Cardiff they said they were going to cut some stations out, so Newport was dropped and Swindon. By the time we got to Bristol they had decided the train would terminate at Reading, which meant I had to jump off and catch another train into London. Which by that time in the morning would be rammed with commuters. It was quite a traumatic journey to London, luckily my talk wasn't till the afternoon.

It was good to catch up with some old friends and have a good old natter, one of my team was also there, as he is looking to develop his career into quality.

And then to my talk with my friend, Victoria. We smashed it and got lots of positive feedback after it. It was good to get to do a presentation again, as with my team I don't usually get a chance. I'd love to do more.

And then it was time to head home. But unfortunately I was accosted by some thugs dressed as booksellers, who forced me to look at books and then purchase three under threat of getting walloped by an Oxford English Dictionary.

The train dramas didn't end. My train was supposed to be 18:48pm, but by the time it should have left they still hadn't put the platform up. It eventually came on and our train didn't leave until 19:03pm. Yet again it was because of trespassers on the line, this time near Swindon. I was eventually home at 9:45pm.

A long day and I was whacked.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Smashing my talk with my friend Victoria
2.  Good catch up with my young padawan
3.  Book purchases

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