Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Evening Sunlight…

.. Solstice sunlight I suppose? How nice.

There is a lovely glow in the garden. (Which I don’t think (?) is rust).

We were due to meet up with some family tomorrow for a picnic. Himself is suddenly quite off his perch, nothing worrying, but quite possibly a cold/flu, so I’ve just cancelled the picnic and won a, not necessarily wanted, free tomorrow.
We don’t want to be Typhoid Marys.

I felt, for a brief few minutes that, ‘can your Mother send a note’ feeling. Such a weird ‘are you REALLY’ poorly?’ thing, where you feel you should probably practice the ‘poorly’ voice before you speak to apologise.
(And it’s not even me!!).

Fortunately this turn of events doesn’t seem to have affected the wine forecast too adversely.
Is that unfeeling?

Happy Friday one and all :-)

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