wild things

By riverroamer

Broccoli 0, caterpillar 1

I don't think it will be broccoli for tea tonight. When I went out to the veg garden yesterday I saw a few caterpillars munching away on the broccoli. We have more than we could possibly want and it fair to say its probably going over now so I decided to leave them be.Ttoday the bush was teeming with them and I would say that by the end of the weekend they will have eaten the whole patch.
Something made me smile today. As I was driving to work down fairly narrow roads a car was desperate to overtake me. It kept pulling up to my bumper, tooting, generally harassing me etc. I could have pulled over but he was annoying me too much so I didnt! Eventually he got passed me ( giving me a rude gesture in the process) and sped off at a ridiculous speed for the road conditions. About 5 minutes later I caught up with him as he was stuck behind a bin lorry. Karma!

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