
By Boatmansrobin


Here is another rose. I was trying to blip a train of ants carrying their eggs/larva across the patio and up the wall surrounding my herb garden but unfortunately they moved too fast I was unable to catch them in focus. I couldn't see what their emergency was but they were so efficient that in a few minutes they had all disappeared into the herb bed. (Just where I need them !!)

Around the corner, away from this frantic activity I came across another new rose ... called Solitude. It just called out to be blipped. So, with the added excuse of sending our friends chilling out in their cold season, some summer sunshine ... here it is. We are so lucky to have so many lovely flowers in our garden and brilliant sunshine. However I must admit that I am just a tad too warm at 30' in the shade..... what a wimp .. I have had to retreat to the slightly cooler top of the house with the windows open wide and hope the cat does not jump out.

and for those of you who may be interested in the last ant in the train If this has worked you will have to enlarge the ant on the top of the wall to see it properly (roughly in center)

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