Blue Dasher

Nice in large.

This is a blue dasher dragonfly... they are all over our dock and the reeds near shore. The more attractive shots, of course, are on the reeds and that's just a bit too far for my macro lens. (Unless I was willing to go wading in the mucky part of the lake... Hummm, nope. In that area, I bet I'd sink a foot or more on the bottom. The fish etc. love it, but I'm rather grossed out by it.) So, my long lens it is. Granted, I'm never going to get a crisp shot of a bug with a telephoto like I do with the macro... but oh well, life is all about trade-offs. All things considered, I can live with it...

The humidity was off the charts again today. When the sun was out I nearly melted! I had taken my camera with me on a few errands and stopped to capture images here and there. I jumped out of the car clicked away for a few minuted and jumped back into the AC. Minutes at a time were about all I could manage. Then later in the afternoon, it clouded over and I was more interested in wandering around. Actually, as I shot my last few dragon images it started to rain. The sunny shots really weren't worth the effort (the light was too harsh), so a dragon it is.

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