Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

More blue sky

Today I took the day off work to drag #3 boy to the hospital.

He has broken his hand.
I was 'making a fuss'.

We went back to A&E and waited.
We went to the X-dept and waited.
He moaned.... a lot.
He had an X-ray.
We went back to A&E and waited while he moaned.
We saw a doctor who examined his hand and went to look at the x-rays while we waited and the child moaned.
The doctor told us the hand was broken and he needed to see an orthopaedic surgeon. We looked at the x-ray. It was bad. (clean break, displacement, dropped knuckle, shortened finger).
We waited for the orthopod and the child went into moaning overdrive. ("This is so grim. What are they going to do? It is the Prom on Friday! I am not having a plaster. I will look like a Muppet")
We saw the Surgeon.
The choice was an operation tomorrow or a temp plaster with painful manipulation of the bone followed by an appointment at the fracture clinic!!!
He chose the latter. With no pain relief it hurt.... a lot.... he blamed me.

Good job I love him ;-) otherwise I would have called him a Muppet!!!!!

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