My Restless Lens

By terri365

Dolerus Varispinus...

...or sawfly to you and me...

There's not much in the garden just now which is highy unusual.  The chilly air must be keeping things hidden away.

A walk up Garshellach this morning followed by some gardening.  The "grass" in my front garden hasn't been cut yet this summer as it grows slowly.  However, the dandelions in the grass were almost knee high so I thought it was time to cut it before the neighbours start whispering about me...

That led to some weeding and moss removal from the path...  Now I am sore from crawling around on all fours!  And the weeding hasn't done my hands any good.

Out to dinner later with Heather and Jonna.  Jonna is leaving to go back down to London tomorrow before flying home on Thursday.

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